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Temprid SC (suspension concentrate) insecticide offers a unique dual mode of action by combining two powerful and effective residual insecticides: beta-cyfluthrin and imidacloprid. The result is Temprid, which provides quick knockdown and long residual control of more than 50 pests, including ants, spiders, cockroaches and other key perimeter pests. The dual action works extremely well on pests like ants, making it one of the best ant control products on the market. While Temprid SC is labeled for indoor and outdoor use, we recommend spraying outside and around the foundation of the home -- spray about 3 ft. up the side of the house, and about 3-5 ft. out from the structure from the base of the foundation (spraying directly on the ground) -- this will give you a powerful contiguous barrier against pests.

Temprid SC Insecticide Bottle 400 ml

  • See the instructions on the warning label.


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2024 Ⓒ by Ecomonitor Pest Control LLC | Developer SISI de México

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